The Red Mosque

I look ahead
dozens of men in front
I see their backs
as they kneel down
I copy their movements
The same routine
Never does a notion occur to us
that hasn't been thought before
we can only catch glimpses of god
if we're willing to interpret
the beautiful coincidences
as acts of a supreme intelligence
that takes a keen interest
in consoling us
when we are in need of some grace
I fold my arms as I rise
just like my ancestors before
and they were veiled too
shut away and up
in order to prevent
one half of the nation
from falling into the
traps laid by satan
while the other indulges in everything
that was prohibited
(claiming it's the influence of
the oppressed crows
with the pain-rimmed eyes)
whilst they long for black-eyed virgins
hundreds of girls are killed each day
We are machines
not human beings
I avert my eyes
ought not to look
What kind of god
would want a platoon
of automatons
we enter an army
of mindless warriors
paradise their only goal
but this treat for the virtuous
is not for fun-loving martyrs
and the generals shy away
from their alleged duty
This monotony was not invented
to help us concentrate
on the greatness of god
rather to clear our minds
of unwanted ideas
So many are content
with a small god
tiny indeed
this empty earth
instead of the vast universe
We describe him as ever-forgiving
and revengeful
(while we are always the latter)
these contradicting attributes
apparently make a deity perfect
far from perfect is the fact
that we make use of this ambivalence
the rules laid out for us
have been simplified
as we'd never be able to understand
the whole extent of reality
who could have guessed
we'd make them hard to follow
what they don't get is
that there needn't be
an antagonism between what
we would do and what we should
they couldn't care less
about the pain they inflict on you
alternatives are always worst
why would anyone want to choose
(slow death or quick conversion)
I would like to laugh
if it wasn't for the obligation
to keep quiet in a mosque
of course
there must be no force in religion
We bow again
face to face with the polished floor
There's no use crying
over spilled blood
To them we're just tools
friendly fire always kills
If god is everything
omniscient and transcendent
shouldn't murder be the
most horrendous crime
taking away the life of an innocent being
But no one can be innocent
who has a free will
which might open the gates
for evil, what is evil?
Wouldn't a merciful god
want a group of faithful followers
and not a battalion of sorrow-stricken slaves
Prostration on the dusty ground
instead of procrastination
for knowledge and wisdom
Lifting my head I wonder
what it would be like
to lift my veil as well
the stone would probably be thrown
before the arrival of a judge
not that I really care
fear has consumed my conscience
(I do not want to be afraid of my creator)
A rapid decline of morals
is never caused by independent thinking
but by vapid promises
and this is just what they do
shutting their mouths and brains
getting rid of free will
If god needed unreflective servants
he would have made us so
yet he has given us advice for
a beautiful and useful life
which is the greatest gift
he could ever have given us
we waste and throw it away
I hold my breath
perhaps i will suffocate
and collapse on this ragged carpet
no one would turn around
every deviation would make
their prayer void and invalid
why aren't we allowed
creativity and individuality
which is inherent in us
(god makes no mistakes)

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Underneath the Veil

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